
Access our comprehensive resources, built on years of expertise, to help ensure that older people are fully recognized, supported, and empowered to live well in an all-age-friendly Commonwealth.


‘Conversations in Common’ are in-depth discussions with experts in the field of aged
care and will give you invaluable insights on curated topics for individuals and
organisations in the aged care sector.


Stay informed with our newsletters! Get updates on our latest programmes, success stories and upcoming events that are dedicated to topics of interest for individuals and organisations in the aged care sector.

November 2024

Our Team went to CHOGM 2024 to promote our objectives at the various events that took place. Additionally, the “Ageing Well in the Commonwealth - A Roadmap for Healthy Ageing Across the Life Course: 2024–2030” was launched by Dame Carol Black.

September 2024

September marks the long-awaited launch of the ‘Report on Dementia in the Commonwealth.’ By 2030, Dementia will affect 75 million people globally, with a new case every three seconds. Nearly 40% of cases can be prevented, yet it remains the 7th leading cause of death.

June 2024

Find out how we’ve created great outcomes in Cameroon, our thoughts on the UN Open-ended Working Group on Ageing and we introduce our exclusive member badge.

April 2024

In this newsletter, we welcome a new Board Director, share information about our new training programmes, updates from our Ambassadors and more.

January 2024

Read about our exciting new Dementia in the Commonwealth project, how we are supporting young leaders, updates from our Ambassadors, changes to our Board and more!


Our success stories, webinars and more!


We have been a leader in publishing timely papers and reports that address critical issues related to aging.


India Mission

The CommonAge team actively participated in three significant events: Dementia India Alliance – DemCon 24, Souhrudam, and the 5th ASLI Annual Conclave.


At CHOGM 2024, the CommonAge team actively promoted our mission across various key events.

A Roadmap for Healthy Ageing Across the Life Course: 2024–2030

This roadmap builds on the great work of the World Health Organisation (WHO), the National Academy of Medicine (NAM) and, in particular, CommonAge, who have led the way as advocates for ensuring that older people in the Commonwealth are fully recognised in society and supported to live well in age-friendly communities.

CommonAge Activity Report 2023 – 2024

In 2023 CommonAge marked the completion of its first decade since the charity was formed in Australia in 2013. It was another year of considerable progress in our work for the interests of people of all ages, but especially senior citizens, in a multigenerational, all-age friendly Commonwealth.

Appendix to CommonAge Activity Report 2023 – 2024

Carmel’s Blog on CHOGM 2024

I was sponsored by the Commonwealth Foundation, at my first CHOGM and visiting the Pacific Islands was an unforgettable experience. From Samoa’s breath-taking landscapes to its warm and welcoming people, every moment was extraordinary.

Dementia Report

Believed to be the first report on dementia focussing on Commonwealth countries, this pivotal publication, delves into the current state of dementia care and support; it highlights disparities and challenges, best practices, and the urgent need for action to improve the lives of those affected by dementia.

Free Training Programme for Elder Care at durban, june 2024

Train the Trainer Programme at Durban, South Africa: a first-time initiative, of a free training programme for those delivering elder care in developing countries was launched in Durban. This was a collaborative effort between CommonAge and TAFTA and conducted by Fulbright Scholar, Dr Renu Abraham Varughese.


The United Nations Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing: Global Perspectives

The United Nations Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing (MIPAA) offers a bold new agenda for handling the issue of ageing in the 21st-century.

Celebrating our tenth anniversary

In 2023, we celebrated our tenth anniversary.


Setting up a Healthy Ageing Task Force for Mauritius

With the theme of ‘Setting up a healthy ageing task force for Mauritius’ in 2022 we were delighted to partner with Le Groupement FIAPA (Fédération Internationale des Associations de Personnes Agées), to organise an exciting joint International Forum, in collaboration with the Ministry of Social Integration, Social Security and National Solidarity.

Commonwealth Masters Games concept

We believe the introduction of veterans’ sporting events to the Commonwealth would be entirely consistent with the aspirations for integrated and multigenerational civil society development envisaged by the Sustainable Development Goals being pursued by the countries of the Commonwealth.

WHO Framework on NCDs, Mental Health Conditions

November 2022 CommonAge welcomed the opportunity to contribute to WHO’s web-based consultation on the Zero Draft of the WHO Framework for Meaningful Engagement of People Living with Noncommunicable Diseases (NCDs) and Mental Health Conditions.


Care Practice Essentials Quality Manual

By Quality Compliance Systems (QCS) This first ever simplified quality manual aims to help organisations and individuals working with older people who don’t have formal systems or regulations.

White Paper: Ageism in the Commonwealth

Written in partnership with HelpAge International, this paper examines how the wellbeing, dignity and voice of older persons have been impacted in response to the COVID-19 pandemic in Commonwealth countries, and it exposes the urgent need for further recognition and protection of the rights of older people in Commonwealth countries.


Ebook: Intergenerational story telling project

A Commonwealth of Experience, Freedom fighters, child brides and other untold real life stories.


Report: Ageing in the Commonwealth

We commissioned the Oxford University Institute for Population Ageing at Oxford University to undertake the first ever study into ageing across the Commonwealth.
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