Paul Ayernor

We are delighted that Paul Ayernor from Ghana has accepted the offer of our scholarship to attend the IAHSA/ACSA conference, 30 August – 3 September in Perth. Ayernor is a doctoral student in the Department of Sociology and is currently working on a DPhil thesis entitled: ‘Social Embeddedness, Health and Wellbeing of Older Adults in Ghana’.

His research interests include: methodological perspectives on ageing research in sub-Saharan Africa (Life Course perspectives), health systems and utilisation, social networks, social capital and intergenerational transfer, wellbeing, happiness and the quality of life of the elderly in sub-Saharan Africa.

Paul is also the research officer for the African research on ageing network (AFRAN) at the Oxford Institute of Population Ageing. His publications (as sole author) include ‘Diseases of Ageing in Ghana’, Ghana Medical Journal, 45:1 (2011).

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