Andrew Larpent CommonAge Chair, Mat Whittingham QCS CEO and Klaus Zimmerman CommonAge CEO
Over 50 people attended our special CommonAge Launch event sponsored by Quality Compliance Systems (QCS) at Marlborough House, London on September 25th 2017.
As well as outlining our plans for 2018 and beyond, we were very excited to launch our QCS bursary programme. This programme will be used to help fund care and retirement professionals from developing Commonwealth nations to come to the UK to study and experience our care sector.
QCS CEO Mat Whittingham says, “The opportunity to come to the UK to contribute to and learn from our care sector will have an enormous impact upon the quality and the consistency of care being delivered in these developing nations.
“Vulnerable people across the Commonwealth will benefit from this fantastic scheme and the UK sector will benefit from the rich diversity and international experience those colleagues from Commonwealth countries will bring. QCS are proud to partner with CommonAge to support this fantastic initiative.”
CommonAge Chairman Andrew Larpent OBE says, “We are a young organisation but already we have many exciting programmes with our life story project, ‘Ageing in the Commonwealth’ research project and our planned Elders Forum linked to the Commonwealth Heads of Government Summit Meeting in April 2018.”
“We are delighted Quality Compliance Systems has joined us in the exciting journey,” he continues. “The bursary scheme will allow us to offer substantial financial assistance for colleagues from developing Commonwealth countries to attend the first ever Commonwealth Elders’ Forum.”