United Kingdom, Ken Bluestone

As Influencing and Policy Lead for Age International, I head up the organisation’s government relations and strategic advocacy work on issues affecting older people in lower and middle income countries whilst building strategic alliances with key stakeholders worldwide.

I have worked on ageing issues in developing countries for nine years and have worked with a wide range of organisations over the past 20 years on issues including: human rights in Latin America; multi-stakeholder dialogues on water and sanitation; HIV & AIDS; corporate social responsibility in the pharmaceutical sector; and food sovereignty.

I have been Chair of the Board of Trustees for the UK Consortium on AIDS and International Development and sat on the Board for Interact Worldwide. I am currently Co-Chair of the Global Alliance for the Rights of Older People (GAROP), have been a member of the Bond SDG Group Steering Committee for the past 5 years, and am Co-Chair of the Bond Leave No One Behind subgroup. I studied Cultural Anthropology at Vassar College and have a Master’s degree in International Management from the School for International Training.

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