Ideas shared at our Reframing Residential Care seminar

Around 30 delegates from around Britain were able to attend our recent free Reframing Residential Care leadership seminar.

Held in in collaboration with The Residential Forum, and hosted in London UK by Trowers & Hamlins LLP, our Chair Andrew Larpent OBE, and Jo Boylan, Operations Director of Southern Cross Care in South Australia shared experiences and evidence gained from the implementation of innovative alternative approaches.

Jo’s informative presentation highlighted issues associated with frailty and how we need to change our thinking to not only address these issues, but also to combat the outdated stereotypes associated with older people and aged care.

By installing gyms and employing personal trainers, and encouraging residents to take regular sessions at the gyms, Southern Cross Care (SA&NT) has seen falls and fractures reduce by around 50 per cent across its centres, This is a massive savings both in terms of staff time and hospital visits.

Furthermore, Southern Cross Care (SA & NT) seen an increase in young people wanting to work with them.

More importantly, residents loved having the opportunity to go to the gym to exercise instead of sitting around in the home – one resident went as far as saying it is “the best thing since sliced bread”!

The gyms also naturally form with social opportunities, and this assists with wellbeing – one resident noted his mood and improved and felt his outlook on life was positive now.

Jo strongly believes making healthy normal in aged care is now a priority for the world.

She encourages you to act now, and by doing so your positive action will:

  • prevent or delay avoidable decline, regardless of age or illness
  • give access to interventions that promote health and wellbeing, with every interaction
  • identify frailty early and reverse it through a dedicated recovery plan
  • support people to ‘walk until they die’
  • enable people to ‘do the things they love most’

To view the presentation slides, click here.

The event offered some great networking opportunities and sharing of ideas too – continued at the nearby pub, the Jugged Hare!

We are hoping to hold similar seminars in the future, so please sign up to our newsletter for regular updates.

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