Femada Shamam

Vice Chair

CEO The Association For The Aged (TAFTA), Durban, South Africa

Population ageing is a worldwide reality. I am passionate about helping to create a world where elders wake up every morning with a sense of worthiness. Having a background in social work and later in management has given me the tools to be sensitive to the needs of our elders while at the same time appreciating that good business sense is critical if development is to be sustainable. My work is about the people; at times I am saddened by the hardships our elders experience but for the most part I am intrigued by the stories they tell, stories about resilience, joy, happiness, laughter, loss and incredible strength. It’s these stories together with exposure to leadership learning opportunities which has made my journey into elder care a fulfilling and worthwhile experience.

I draw inspiration from the different playgrounds I play in locally, nationally and globally. There is so much that is happening around the world by people like me who believe in the vision of a better life for our elders. Through collaborations, partnerships and ongoing conversations we can amplify our impact which ultimately benefits our elders.

Driven by my personal philosophy of “Be more”, I aspire to be more understanding, be more grateful, be more inventive, be more compassionate, be more kind.

Femada is also Chair of the CommonAge South Africa Chapter

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