CommonAge is delighted the CEO of the Malawi Network of Older Persons’ Organizations (MANEPO), Andrew Kavala has accepted the invitation to join the CommonAge Board.
Established in 2010, MANEPO is a consortium of over 60 Civil Society Organisations (CSOs); its aim is to help older men and women claim their rights, challenge discrimination, and overcome poverty, so that they can lead dignified, secure, active and healthy lives in Malawi.
Andrew is has been a trailblazing advocate for older Malawians, and Africans for many years.
He was the first Civil Society Leader to lead a determined and successful advocacy campaign towards an old age pension scheme in Malawi, realising that social protection floors are increasingly recognised as a necessary and effective approach to ensure the benefits of development are shared fairly, and no one is left behind.
In 2016, Andrew was one of the Founding Directors for Southern Africa Regional Age Network (SARAN). This regional body on ageing aims at advocating for appropriate, secure, sustainable, and predictable minimum social protection floors for older men and women and other vulnerable groups in Southern Africa.
He also sits in the Steering Committee for Stakeholder Group on Ageing in Africa (SGA). This African regional coalition of Civil Society Organisations, which includes Non- Governmental and Professional organisations in ageing, Human Right Institutes and Institutes on Ageing, seeks an Africa for all ages in which older persons also fully enjoy their rights and maximise their potentials.
Talking about his appointment Andrew, says: “I’m delighted to join the CommonAge Board and look forward to working with fellow Board members to ensure older people are fully recognised in society, and are supported and enabled to live well in an all-age friendly commonwealth.”
Born in Malawi, Andrew, graduated from the University of Malawi with a Bachelor of Arts Humanities. He later earned his Master of Business Administration (MBA) at The Polytechnic-a constituent college of the University of Malawi.
Andrew is currently studying for a PhD in Social Sciences with Ageing and Development at North-West University (NWU), public University in South Africa.
CommonAge Chair, Andrew Larpent, says “We are delighted Andrew accepted our invitation to join the CommonAge Board. He brings with him great insight and vast experience of the challenges faced by older people in Africa.”
Join us to ensure that older people are thoroughly recognised and sustained to live well in an age-inclusive Commonwealth.
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