CommonAge delegation at The Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM)

The Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) is probably the most important event on The Commonwealth’s calendar.

It brings together delegations from 54 nations from Africa, the Caribbean and Americas, Europe, Asia, and the Pacific. Through its four forums, Youth, Women’s, People’s and Business forum, CHOGM aims to reinforce multilateral cooperation, explore new opportunities, and tackle common challenges for the well-being of future generations.

CHOGM was due to take place in June 2020 but was postponed twice due to the COVID-19 pandemic. CHOGM2022 takes place in Rwanda from June 20, 2022, to June 25, and its theme is: ‘Delivering a Common Future: Connecting, Innovating, Transforming.’

We have had a presence at CHOGM since we were formed, with delegates representing us at Sri Lanka in 2013, Malta 2015 and London, 2018.

To coincide with London 2018 we staged our inaugural Commonwealth Elders Forum in partnership with UK’s National Care Forum at Reading.

CommonAge delegation at CHOGM 2022

At CHOGM 2022, we are ensuring the perspective and contribution of older people is included in discussions through our eight passionate delegates; each delegate is attending in a voluntary capacity and is proud to be advocating for older people in the Commonwealth.

CommonAge delegates are:

CommonAge, together with its partner organisation in Rwanda – NSINDAGIZA, have major roles at the Commonwealth Women’s Forum (20-21 June), and the Commonwealth Peoples’ Forum (21-22 June).

CommonAge at the Women’s Forum

The Commonwealth Women’s Forum will discuss solutions to address pressing challenges affecting women and girls across the Commonwealth and to ensure member countries have robust policies and programmes to meet gender equality targets by 2030.

Proposed solutions from the two-day forum will inform Commonwealth leaders’ discussions and decisions on ending gender inequality – ultimately involving women at the highest level of policymaking to address challenges directly affecting them.

CommonAge delegates are participating in the forum’s ‘Intergenerational Celebration’ session. This part of the Women’s Forum will recognise and value the role that women play at all ages and will celebrate the intergenerational connections that create an enabling environment in which the young and old can realise their aspirations.

This historic session, the first time ever at CHOGM highlight the discussion about (and with) older people has taken place, will highlight the pivotal role that older women and men play in their families, communities and national economies across The Commonwealth.

It is vital that we take the experience of older women and men into account because the older population is increasing faster than any other age group across all of The Commonwealth (with the exception of Lesotho & Mozambique). While there are more youth in The Commonwealth, the absolute numbers of older people will increase by 100 per cent in the next 25 years[1].

Focussing on the rights and needs of older women and men is about understanding the life journey that younger generations will take, whether society will continue to respect their rights as they grow older, and whether their contributions will be recognised so they can lead a life of dignity.

We are delighted Samantha is moderating this session, and Francis, Rianna, and Sarah are panellists.

CommonAge at The People’s Forum

This forum brings together civil society representatives from across the Commonwealth to discuss key issues facing the Peoples of the Commonwealth. It is the single largest opportunity for civil society to engage with Commonwealth leaders on global development issues.

The forum is structured around plenary sessions and interactive discussions, policy dialogues among the participants.

This year, the Commonwealth People’s Forum 2022 will ask and try to answer the big, important questions of our age: ‘How do we harness the best of humanity, the forces of love, compassion, equality and justice to advance our common future?’ How do we work together to build – or re-fashion – our institutions so that they support a world that leaves no one behind? And what role could – or should – the Commonwealth of Nations play in these vital steps towards a better world for all its people?

Following a competitive process, we have been invited to run a session entitled ‘A Multigenerational Commonwealth’, where Femada, Andrew, Francis and Elie will make engaging and informative presentations.

CommonAge at The Youth Forum

The Commonwealth Youth Forum provides an opportunity for young people of the Commonwealth to build cross-cultural connections and networks, deliberate on youth-led initiatives addressing emerging issues impacting young people, strategise on perspectives to influence decision makers and ensure young people have a voice and agency in its future.

Its theme ‘Taking Charge of our Future’ captures the aspirations and ambitions of our new generation leaders in championing an inclusive and prosperous Commonwealth where young people are key actors and equal stakeholders in shaping the future.

The CYF will reinforce young people’s involvement across the Commonwealth in devising solutions to complex global challenges as well as providing intergenerational spaces to enhance their ability to bring forward meaningful recommendations to the Heads of Government meeting. The Forum will also include opportunities for plenary discussions and action planning breakout sessions, focussed around CHOGM’s themes.

Rianna will be presenting at this forum.

Maximising opportunities

We believe the needs and rights of older people must now be addressed as an integral part of the Commonwealth’s core work if Commonwealth countries are to ensure that a better life is achieved for all generations in the years ahead.

Our passionate delegates will be maximising every opportunity at this event, attending side events and connecting with ministers and officials wherever possible.

We support the view that a healthy ageing population is much less expensive one for governments to support, and therefore is less of a burden on taxpayers and health systems.

Our aim is to challenge ageism; older people deserve dignity and respect, and opportunities to continue to contribute to civil society.

But we are not just about older people; we are working for an all-age friendly Commonwealth.

[1] Ageing in the Commonwealth, CommonAge report.

Support us

We are a charity, and we believe in an all-age friendly Commonwealth in which ageism is challenged and the contributions of people of all ages are valued. We believe that the strongest societies are those that combine the energy, vitality and potential of younger people with the wisdom and experience of elders.

If you’d like to be a part of our story, join us in making changes to older people’s lives across the Commonwealth.

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