CommonAge delegate shares her thoughts on the ACSA/IAHSA conference

Our scholarship program which bought 16 delegates from developing Commonwealth countries to the ACSA / IAHSA joint conference held earlier this month was a great success.

It was an amazing opportunity for all involved; experiences were shared, challenges discussed but most importantly, many connections have been made – and this what CommonAge is about.

We are eternal grateful and thankful to the many Australian aged care providers and supporting businesses who made our scholarship program possible.

In this video, senior gerontologist Emily Ajiambo explains how residential care is a relatively new concept in Uganda, and she highlights how her country will benefit from her attendance at the conference.

Our thanks goes to NEWSROOM, a joint initiative of Australian Ageing Agenda (AAA) and Aged Care Channel (ACC) for interviewing Emily.

Over the coming weeks we will be sharing more news from our delegates, so watch this space!


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