From left: semi retired Tafta CEO Margie Smith, Wicus Jacobs Tafta Vice Chairman and newly appointed Tafta CEO Femada Shamam.
We were delighted to hear our ambassador for South Africa, Femada Shamam, is set to take the helm of Durban welfare organisation, Tafta, following the semi-retirement of longstanding CEO Margie Smith. Margie will take a new role during semi-retirement, as head of the special projects division – TAFTA Business.
“It has been a long journey, and the journey continues. I believe that all things can always improve. At every platform I seek opportunities to form partnerships, collaborations or simply just start a conversation on how we can create the right environment for our elders to flourish,” says Margie who has been instrumental in shaping Tafta to the force that it is today and holds the reputation of being an “extraordinary” leader.
Tafta is grounded in the conviction that access to safe, decent, affordable housing is a basic human right, and Margie has carried the torch over the years. She has established, cultivated, and solidified the reputation of Tafta as a trusted organisation committed to serving the needs of senior citizens within the province.
“Tafta is indeed well positioned for continued success due in large part to Smith’s leadership and vision. We celebrate Margie’s many accomplishments at the helm of the organisation and look forward to her continued association with the organisation” says Wicus Jacobs, Vice Chairman, Tafta Council.
“In particular, it was her determined advocacy for so many years that led to the creation of, and funding for, Langeler Towers – Tafta’s most ambitious 10 year project,” adds Wicus. “The Council members and I look forward to working closely and collaboratively with Ms Shamam to ensure the continued success of the organisation.”
Margie says it has been a great gift to serve an organisation that is deeply committed to social justice and takes such bold positions to solve the housing challenges of the senior citizens in the eThekwini region. “I consider myself blessed to have worked alongside such talented and dedicated staff that are committed to advancing Tafta’s mission each and every day,” said Margie.
Femada says she remains committed to following the leadership path paved “successfully” by Margie.
“My guiding belief has always been that better lives for the elderly are indeed possible. I invite all, elders, staff, partners and the community at large to join me as we journey this road. Together we can achieve great things,” says Femada.
Her journey at Tafta began 17 years ago, as a young social worker.
“This was not meant to happen. As I started my work as a home social worker and service centre organiser, I was both inspired and terrified by the enormity of the need of the elders,” she says. “I realised there was so much that could be done to make their lives better. It was here that the seed of my passion for working in this field was sowed.”
Over the years Shamam assumed various management roles within the organisation. Because of her experience and work at Tafta, in 2015, we were delighted to invite her to join us at the IAHSA/ACSA conference, in Perth in 2015 through our CommonAge scholarship program. She also agreed to become our CommonAge ambassador for South Africa at this time.
From left: Lucy Tsholofelang, Hilda Akinya Owii, Emily Ajiambo, Femada Shamam and Andrew Larpent.
CommonAge Chair Andrew Larpent says on behalf of everyone in the CommonAge network I send Femada warmest congratulations on this appointment. “It is fantastic to see this recognition of her talents and I have no doubt she will be a tremendously successful CEO,” he says.
Andrew recently caught up with Femada, and other CommonAge ambassadors at the 2nd Africa Region Conference of the International Association of Geriatrics and Gerontology (IAGG) in Nairobi, Kenya.