A Wealth in Common


Our Story… The world is facing a massive demographic age imbalance. Increasing longevity is recognised as one of the major achievements of modern health systems and this offers great quality of life opportunities for westernised populations. Ageing poses challenges to all members of the Commonwealth but at present there is no Commonwealth organisation that shares experience, access to industry experts, learning or skills for the development of aged care services, products, technology, building design and construction, or innovative responses to the challenges ahead.

Several international organisations already exist that promote service development and best practice in care and support for older people, but they are generally based in countries with more developed economies and social conditions. However, there is no organisation which has an established presence or has yet been able to build substantial relationships in the majority of smaller Commonwealth countries.

Services and support for older people in many developing Commonwealth countries would benefit from access to the international aged care NGO community. The Commonwealth Association for the Ageing will provide such access and help to deliver those benefits to individuals, providers, peak aged care industry bodies and Commonwealth Governments.

It will advance the interests of older people by helping to build capability and capacity in health and care services throughout the Commonwealth. It will promote and disseminate learning, experience and best practice in aged care service design, development and provision and will foster partnerships with commercial organisations to facilitate their access to the massive business opportunities which ageing offers.

It will do so by accessing existing networks and developing new relationships throughout the Commonwealth.

This new association was officially launched in Melbourne, Australia in November 2013. It has already engendered significant support across a number of Commonwealth countries with outstanding industry leaders in aged care, in countries such as India, Australia, Singapore, New Zealand, United Kingdom and South Africa, committed to its success.

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