Recipients of the CommonAge UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) bursary announced

Seven leaders from developing Commonwealth countries to attend the Global Ageing Conference, Glasgow, Scotland, 6-8 September 2023

Earlier this year, we launched our UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) bursary scheme to enable leaders in ageing services from developing countries of the Commonwealth to join us in Glasgow at the Global Ageing Conference, 6-8 September 2023.

We were pleased to receive 40 applications from 17 developing Commonwealth countries (Ghana, Rwanda, Cameroon, India, Tanzania, Malawi, Kenya, Bangladesh, Uganda, Zambia, South Africa, Nigeria, Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica, Botswana, Mauritius and Dominica), for our 2023 bursary programme.

The calibre of applicants was extremely high and our selection committee had a difficult time deciding on who should be offered support.

The following seven delegates have accepted our offer of bursary support for their attendance at the Global Ageing Conference:

  • Mr David Abass, Nurse, Gerontologist, and practitioner of Public Health, Ghana
  • Dr Pascale Dinan, Geriatrician, Nouvelle Clinique du Bon Pasteur, Mauritius
  • Mr Henry Katongole, Country Deputy Director (CDD) Geriatric Respite Care Foundation, Uganda
  • Miss Sandra Latibeaudiere, Lecturer and the Section Head/Unit Coordinator for the Social Work Programme at the UWI, Mona, Jamaica
  • Mr Elie Mugabowishema, Founder and President of NSINDAGIZA, Rwanda
  • Miss Magen Mutepfa, Associate Professor and Chair and founder member of Ageless Inspirations Charitable Organization, Botswana
  • Mrs Lynda Smith, Refirement Network and 50Plus-Skills, South Africa

CommonAge Chairman, Andrew Larpent, said: “We are much encouraged by the interest we had for this bursary programme, and the calibre of applicants was extremely high.

“It is a tremendous opportunity for these seven leaders to participate in a truly global education and networking event that otherwise would simply not have been possible.

“All of these people are experienced professionals, many very highly qualified, within their own countries. However, due to financial constraints, their opportunities for participating in professional networks outside their own countries, to learn from international colleagues and to share their own expertise, are often limited.

“As well as travel expenses, the conference registration, food and accommodation all add to the cost of attending high profile international conferences; we are extremely grateful for the support of UKRI, enabling us to offer these bursaries, as part of its Health Ageing Challenge.”

UKRI’s Healthy Ageing Challenge aims to help people remain active, productive, independent and socially connected across generations for as long as possible. It does this by enabling businesses, including social enterprises, to develop and deliver beneficial products, services and business models.

“All the recipients are committed to making a difference to the lives of older persons, their families and communities through healthy ageing initiatives in their countries,” says Andrew. “We’re very much looking forward to welcoming our colleagues and benefitting from their knowledge and experience.”

Cynthia Bullock, Deputy Challenge Director from UKRI said: “All countries are facing challenges associated with an ageing population. Bringing leaders together from across the world, this conference will be exploring the changes that are needed to respond to this shifting age demographic.

“We are delighted to support this initiative to give leaders in developing Commonwealth countries the opportunity to join the conversation as we work towards driving positive change and finding solutions to a global challenge.

Supported by UKRI’s Healthy Ageing Challenge, find out more about CommonAge’s activities at the Global Ageing Conference here.

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We at CommonAge strongly believe in supporting our colleagues from developing countries, to enable and empower them to overcome the challenges they face when working to improve and enhance the lives of older people, and advocate on their behalf.

We are a charity and our voluntary Board of Directors is committed to making positive changes to older people’s lives across the Commonwealth.

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